Use of command line parameters

As of IsoBuster 2.2 there is support for (additional) command line parameters.  Additional because before, and as long as we can remember, IsoBuster has supported loading an image file via the command line.

First some general notes:

- IsoBuster is not a console application.  When started with commands, IsoBuster's GUI will still load.    All messages and popups that would appear normally w/ill still appear.  If the task is such that user input is required, that user input (e.g. clicking a button) will still need to happen.
- Commands can be in random order (that includes the path to an image file that needs to be loaded as well)
- If commands are repeated more than once, with different or same content, only the last occurrence on the line will be used (unless the command is allowed more than once, such as open/close before and after an extract sequence)
- All commands start with a forward slash '/' except the loading of an image file.  Image files are loaded by simply providing the full path, which assures 100% backwards compatibility with older versions.

Destination path variables:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.8.5]
The destination paths used for "/ei","/ef" "/tree" can contain variables.  They are especially useful when combined with (but not limited to) "all" ("/t", "/s", "/ef:").
This way it is possible to (for instance) extract all file systems for all tracks, sessions and partitions and put each file system in its own folder with a descriptive folder name, next export file lists of all files to those same created folders, or give the file lists the same name as the folder they are referring to etc.

<%FI> : File System Index
<%FT> : File System Type
<%FN> : File System Name
<%TI> : Track Index
<%TN> : Track Name
<%SI> : Session Index
<%SN> : Session Name
<%PI> : Partition Index
<%PN> : Partition Name

Beware that % is a special character in batch files, so make sure to escape it with another %, in other words use %% instead of % inside batch files.


isobuster.exe /d:d "/ei:c:\my extracted image files\track<%TI>.iso" /t:all 
isobuster.exe /d:d "/ef:all:c:\extracted\<%FI><%FN>"  
isobuster.exe /d:d "/ef:udf:c:\extracted\s:<%SI>-f:<%FI>(<%FN>)" /s:all

Loading an image file:

Simply provide the full path of the image file on the command line.  Put between quotes to optimally support long filenames and blanks in filenames.


no command


isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.iso"

It is worth noting that you can also open spanned files and even Physical and Logical drives For instance: 

isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.iso|c:\my image files\image2.iso|c:\my image files\image3.iso"
isobuster.exe "\\.\PhysicalDrive2|\\.\PhysicalDrive3|c:\my image files\Drive4InFile.dsk"

Specify Image File Properties:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.5]
In case you have to deal with a funky image file of which IsoBuster can't detect its properties (for instance in the absence of data that IsoBuster can use to detect the properties), it is possible to load a generic image file (only: *.iso, *.dks or *.flp) with a limited set of specified properties, namely header size and bytes per block.


/iprop:[Header Size (in bytes)]|[Bytes Per block]


isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.iso" "/iprop:100|2048"  In this example, the iso file is set to contain a 100-bytes-header, and next 2048 bytes per block are stored in the image

Auto-select a drive:

By default IsoBuster selects the first drive that it finds that is ready.  Usually this is the hard drive but in case there's a disc (CD / DVD / BD / HD DVD) in an optical drive it usually is that drive that is selected first.  You can tell IsoBuster to select a specified drive on start up, no matter if there is a disc in that drive or not.  The drive is chosen by means of its drive letter (as IsoBuster detects it).  One number of character only (e.g. d or e or 1 or ...).  This command has lower priority than loading an image file.  If an image file is loaded (see previous command) then that image file is selected by default and this command has no impact at all.
If the drive letter is '*', dummy data will be used to complete a managed image file at the end (/ci:e)


/d:[drive letter]


To auto-select drive f:

isobuster.exe /d:f

Extraction of an image file:

With this command you can let IsoBuster start up, and make an image file of the selected disc/drive automatically.  Selection of the disc depends on what drive is selected by IsoBuster.  See previous command for more on that.  If you opened an image file at the same time (see first command) then the image file will be selected and you will be making a new image file of the selected image file (e.g. convert nrg to ibp/ibq).  If you did not open an image file, nor specified a drive (see previous command), then the first ready will be selected.  If you specified a drive (see previous command) then that drive will be used.  If no disc is present in that drive, then no extraction will happen.  Also look at commands /et:  /ef:  /c   /t:  and  /s:  to discover more extraction power!  If no extraction type is specified via the command /et: then the created image will be of the managed kind (*.ibp / *.ibq).  IsoBuster will make corrections to the filename extension in case of a managed image file extraction (*.ibp), if the provided filename extension is not correct.  No corrections are made for the other extraction types.  If no destination filename or folder name is provided, IsoBuster will start extraction but will show the BrowseForFolder dialog so that a manual selection can be made.

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.9]
It is possible to combine /ei: with /range or /fromto, to only extract a piece of the data within a set range
When a range (via /range or /fromto) is specified, /session /track or /partition will be ignored

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.9]
It is also possible to create a Clone or Managed Clone via /ie:.  
To Clone a Drive or Partition.  Use /p: to select the partition in the latter case.  Provide the UNC PhysicalDrive path (e.g. \\.\PhysicalDrive2) to Clone to and make sure to set /et:u (Extraction Type is User data)
To Clone a Drive Managed.  Provide the UNC PhysicalDrive path (e.g. \\.\PhysicalDrive3) behind the *.IBP filename, separated by a vertical bar character | (e.g. /ei:c:\file.ibp|\\.\PhysicalDrive3 ).  Make sure to extract managed: /et:m
See examples below


/ei:[destination path and filename]


Extract the disc or disk to an imagefile with provided name:
All three following examples will create the same files (created_image.ibp and created_image.ibq) because managed image filename extensions are auto-corrected

isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\created_image1.iso"
isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\created_image1.ibp"
isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\created_image1"

Following example will create an ISO file with user data (cfr. TAO)

isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\created_image1.iso" /et:u

Following example will create an ISO file with raw data (cfr. BIN)

isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\created_image1.iso" /et:r

Extract the image file to a folder location:
Following example creates CD.ibp to the defined folder

isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\"

Following example creates CD.tao or CD.iso(*) to the defined folder
(*) depends on the image file extraction options (See ISO / BIN / TAO)

isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:u

Following example creates CD.bin or CD.iso(*) to the defined folder
(*) depends on the image file extraction options (See ISO / BIN / TAO)

isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:r

Without a destination path and filename, extraction will also start but will launch the BrowseForFolder dialog

isobuster.exe /ei: /et:u

Extract From-To

isobuster.exe /ei:C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\extracted.dsk /range:499093504-10000 /et:u

Create a Clone

Following example Clones PhysicalDrive 2 to PhysicalDrive 3

isobuster.exe /ei:\\.\PhysicalDrive3 /et:u /d:2

Following example Clones PhysicalDrive 2's second partition (Partition 1) to PhysicalDrive 3

isobuster.exe /ei:\\.\PhysicalDrive3 /et:u /d:2 /p:1

Following example Clones PhysicalDrive 2's second partition (Partition 1) to Logical Volume M:

isobuster.exe /ei:\\.\m: /et:u /d:2 /p:1

Create a Managed Clone of PhysicalDrive 2 to PhysicalDrive 3

isobuster.exe /ei:C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\clonedisk3.ibp|\\.\PhysicalDrive3 /et:m /d:2

It is worth noting that you can also extract to spanned files and even Physical and Logical drives For instance: 

isobuster.exe /ei:c:\my_image_files\image1.iso|c:\my_image_files\image2.iso|c:\my_image_files\image3.iso /et:r
isobuster.exe /ei:\\.\PhysicalDrive3|\\.\PhysicalDrive4|\\.\PhysicalDrive5 /et:u /d:2
isobuster.exe /ei:C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\clonedisk3.ibp|\\.\PhysicalDrive3|\\.\PhysicalDrive4 /et:m /d:2
isobuster.exe /ei:C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\clonedisk3.ibp|C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\part1.ibq|C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\part2.ibq /et:m /d:2

Extraction Type (user data, raw or managed)

This command is used in combination with extraction commands: /ei: and /ef:
If it is absent, /ei: will internally default to /ei:m and /if: will internally default to /ef:u
Or in other words, image files are created managed and only user data is extracted for files and folders.  User data is practically always preferred in case of files and folders (raw only exists for engineering purposes).  (Managed does not exist for files and folders, only for image files).



[Type] comes in several flavours:

u  (User data)
r or raw (Raw data)
m or ibp (Managed)
e  (Managed Empty) // The IBP/IBQ file set is created but not a single read is executed  [Introduced in IsoBuster 3.4]
a or wav (Audio) // Raw + RIFF headers  [Introduced in IsoBuster 3.6]
mpg (Filter only mpg frames)   [Introduced in IsoBuster 3.6]
r2u (Raw to User data)   [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.0]
run (Extract and Run - Single file only)  [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.0]
mcb (MacBinary *.bin files - Only makes sense on Apple file systems MFS/HFS but also ISO, UDF and NTFS if they have Mac Properties) [Introduced in IsoBuster 5.2]
asn (Apple Single - Only makes sense on Apple file systems MFS/HFS but also ISO, UDF and NTFS if they have Mac Properties) [Introduced in IsoBuster 5.2]
adb (Apple Double - Only makes sense on Apple file systems MFS/HFS but also ISO, UDF and NTFS if they have Mac Properties)(Creates two files per file) [Introduced in IsoBuster 5.2]


isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:m

Complete a Managed Image File (IBP/IBQ)

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.4]
When an *.IBP file is loaded on the command line you can combine that with /ci: and what should be completed, the gaps, the end or both.



[Type] comes in several flavours:

g  (Gaps)
e  (The end of the file)
ge or eg (Gaps and the End of the file)
d (On Demand)


isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.ibp" /ci:ge

Set a Start address and Range to work on

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.4]
You can define a start address and range of blocks to work on.  This requires a [Professional] license.
The Complete Image (/ci) command takes this parameter in account
This command conflicts with /fromto and whatever command comes last on the command line will be used

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.9]
/scan and /ei: now also take this parameter in account


/range:[-Blocks]  // Start Address is assumed 0


isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.ibp" /ci:ge /range:500-10
isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.ibp" /ci:ge /range:500
isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.ibp" /ci:ge /range:-10

Set a Start address and End address to work on

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.4]
You can define a start address and end address work on.  This requires a [Professional] license.
The Complete Image (/ci) command takes this parameter in account
This command conflicts with /range and whatever command comes last on the command line will be used

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.9]
/scan and /ei: now also take this parameter in account


/fromto:[-EndAddress]  // Start Address is assumed 0


isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.ibp" /ci:ge /fromto:500-510
isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.ibp" /ci:ge /fromto:500
isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.ibp" /ci:ge /fromto:-510

Reverse Read

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.4]
By setting reverse read, objects will be extracted starting with the tail, working up to the start of the file, using a set range


/rr  The range the GUI uses will be used, stored in the registry.


isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\created_image1.iso" /rr:100

Select a Track:

This command is used in combination with extraction commands: /ei: and /ef:

In case of /ei: (image file extraction) it is used to identify and extract a single track.  This is only useful for engineering purposes as an image of a single track is in most cases of not much use (unless it's the only track).  Only the image file of an entire CD is really useful for end users, but for those tinkering about the functionality exists anyway.

In case of /ef: (file and folder extraction) it is used to identify the track that has the file system we want to extract from.  IsoBuster can find multiple file systems, including older ones in older sessions.  If you specify the track then you tell IsoBuster to use the file-systems attached to that particular track.  If absent, IsoBuster decides for itself and uses the most relevant file-system from the most relevant session/track.  While this feature can be useful, it makes more sense to use /s: (select a session) to tell IsoBuster from which session's file-system(s) to extract.

In case of /scan (find missing files and folders) it is used to determine the session that needs to be scanned.

In case of /cfpr it is used to determine in what track to look for specified (or most suitable) file system(s)

A track index starts from 1.  If you specify track 0 the command will simply be ignored.  If both a track and a session (see next) are selected, then the session selection is ignored and only the track selection is used.  If a track index is provided and that particular track does not exist, then there will be no extraction and IsoBuster will fail.

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.8.5]
The index can also be "all" which means that the operation(s) that look at the track property ("/scan", "/ei", "/ef") will execute in a loop for all tracks, across all sessions

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.9]
The index can also be "audio" or "data" which means that "/ei" will be executed for all audio or all data tracks, across all sessions (e.g. to extract all audio tracks to *.wav from a CD that also contains data tracks).




isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:m /t:1
isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my wave files\" /t:audio

Select a Session:

This command is used in combination with extraction commands: /ei: and /ef:

In case of /ei: (image file extraction) it is used to identify and extract a single session (all tracks of that session in one file).  This is only useful for engineering purposes as an image of a single session is mostly of not much use (unless it's the only session).  Only the image file of an entire CD is really useful for end users, but for those tinkering about the functionality exists anyway.

In case of /ef: (file and folder extraction) it is used to identify the session that has the file system we want to extract from.  IsoBuster can find multiple file systems, including older ones in older sessions.  If you specify the session then you tell IsoBuster to use the file-systems attached to that particular session.  If absent, IsoBuster decides for itself and uses the most relevant file-system from the most relevant session. 

In case of /scan (find missing files and folders) it is used to determine the session that needs to be scanned.

In case of /cfpr it is used to determine in what session  to look for specified (or most suitable) file system(s)

A session index starts from 1.  If you specify session 0 the command will simply be ignored.  If both a track (see previous) and a session are selected, then the session selection is ignored and only the track selection is used.  If a session index is provided and that particular session does not exist, then there will be no extraction and IsoBuster will fail.

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.8.5]
The index can also be "all" which means that the operation(s) that look at the session property ("/scan", "/ei", "/ef") will execute in a loop for all sessions.




isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:m /s:1

Select a Partition:

This command is used in combination with extraction commands: /ei: and /ef:

In case of /ei: (image file extraction) it is used to identify and extract a single partition. 

In case of /ef: (file and folder extraction) it is used to identify the partition that has the file system we want to extract from.  If you specify the partition then you tell IsoBuster to use the file-systems attached to that particular partition.  If absent, IsoBuster decides for itself and uses the most relevant file-system from the most relevant partition.  While this feature can be useful, it makes more sense to use /p: (select a partition) to tell IsoBuster from which partition's file-system(s) to extract.

In case of /scan (find missing files and folders) it is used to determine the partition that needs to be scanned.

In case of /cfpr it is used to determine in what partition to look for specified (or most suitable) file system(s)

A partition index starts from 00.  If a partition index is provided and that particular partition does not exist, then there will be no extraction and IsoBuster will fail.

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.8.5]
The index can also be "all" which means that the operation(s) that look at the track property ("/scan", "/ei", "/ef") will execute in a loop for all partitions.




isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:m /p:0
isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my wave files\" /p:all

Select a File System:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
This command can be used in combination with commands: /ef: /tree: and /cfpr

It is used to define on what partition mentioned commands should work.
If you also specify a file system for mentioned commands (/ef: and /tree: allow a file system in their syntax) then whatever comes last on the command line will be used.
For instance if you use /fs: affter /ef: on the command line, /fs: set value will be used, overruling whatever was set via /ef:



List of possible file system codes:

iso:  // ISO9660 and derivatives (Joliet, Romeo, High Sierra, Rock Ridge) IsoBuster picks the best one if there are multiple ISO derivates (e.g. Joliet over ISO9660 itself)
udf:  // UDF
mfs:  // MFS
hfs:  // HFS(+) -  IsoBuster chooses HFS+ over HFS
ifo:  // IFO/VOB
boo:  // Bootable (El Torito)
boot:  // Bootable (El Torito)
fat:  // FAT (12, 16, 32, ExFAT, FATX)
sig:  // Files found based on their signature, to be combined with the "/scan" command line parameter
ntf:  // NTFS
ntfs:  // NTFS
nt:  // NTFS
rim:  // Rimage manifest file
rimage:  // Rimage manifest file
ext:  // EXT
ufs:  // UFS
reiser:   // Reiser
xfs:  // XFS
nintendo: // Nintendo (GameCube and Wii)
romfs:   // RomFS
rom:   // RomFS
jfs:  // JFS
btrfs:  // BTRFS
btr:  // BTRFS
squashfs: // SquashFS
squash:  // SquashFS
refs:  // ReFS
zfs:  // ZFS
cramfs:  // CramFS
cram:  // CramFS
befs:  // BeFS
minix:  // Minix
3do:  // Opera 3DO
all:  // All FS
mac:  // IsoBuster chooses the most relevant file system first, in this order: HFS+, HFS, MFS, UDF, Joliet, RockRidge, Romeo, ISO9660, FAT, .. [Introduced in IsoBuster 5.2]


start /wait isobuster /cfpr /noelevation /el /p:all /fs:all
isobuster.exe "/ef:c:\my extracted files" /fs:ntfs

Extraction of entire file-systems (root) / files and folders:

With this command you can start up IsoBuster and extract one ore more files or folders automatically.  Selection of the disc depends on what drive is selected by IsoBuster.  
See previous commands for more on that (e.g. loading an image file, extraction of an image file and auto-select a drive).  Also look at commands /et:  /ei:  /c   /t:  /p: and  /s:  to discover more extraction power in combination with this command.  If no extraction type is specified via the command /et: then user data will be extracted (which is almost always the sensible thing to do).  If no track (/t:) or session (/s:) or partition (/p:) are defined then IsoBuster will use the most plausible and relevant session / track / partition file-system to extract from.  If no preferred file-system is provided via this command then IsoBuster will decide on the most appropriate file system to use (e.g. choose between UDF, ISO etc.).  If there is a preferred file-system provided and that particular file-system is not available then IsoBuster will not extract (and hence fail).  If no file or folder names to extract are provided via this command then IsoBuster will extract the entire file-system, which means all files and folders starting from the root of the selected file-system.  If no destination filename or folder name is provided IsoBuster will start extraction but will put up the BrowseForFolder or Save File dialog.


/ef:[FileSystem:][File or folder name/path|][destination path and filename]


Codes are described for command /fs
This command however will only accept file system codes that are exactly 3 characters long
For any other file system code (but not excluding the 3 character file system codes) use the /fs command in combination with this command

[File or folder name/path|]

Two possibilities:

A relative path to a folder or file, starting from the root (but without a drive letter)
Never start with a backlash, just the name or folder.
For instance:
picture.jpg (a file (called picture.jpg) that exists in the root)
mypictures (a folder (called mypictures) that exists in the root)
mypictures\picture1.jpg  (a file (picture1.jpg) that exists in sub folder mypictures (which is located in the root))
mypictures\*.jpg (the first file with extension *.jpg in the mypictures folder)

2. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.9]
Or just a file or folder name without a path, just the name, with or without wildcards
This requires an extra colon (:) before the file/folder-name
For instance:
:picture.jpg (all files called "picture.jpg" located anywhere in the selected file system)
:*.VOB (all files with *.VOB extension located anywhere in the selected file system) 

[destination path and filename]

Where the file / folders are extracted to.  IsoBuster does not check destination folders throuroughly, so it may proceed to extract to the required folder and then run into Windows errors.  In other words, check if the destination folder also exists before you start.


Extract the complete (most appropriate) file-system (root) of the most relevant track/session:
Both examples will extract the content to existing folder "my extracted files" (or create that folder when not existing yet (Works only one folder deep))

isobuster.exe "/ef:c:\my extracted files\"
isobuster.exe "/ef:c:\my extracted files"
isobuster.exe "/ef:c:\my extracted files" /fs:ntfs
isobuster.exe "/ef:ntf:c:\my extracted files"
isobuster.exe "i:\HFS\DMG\test.dmg" /ef:mac:C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Desktop\Test\dvd-to-mcdouble /et:adb

Following example extracts the UDF file system (assume there's a choice between file-systems, and we want UDF):

isobuster.exe "/ef:udf:c:\my extracted files"

Following example extracts a subfolder ("my docs") from the UDF file system 

isobuster.exe "/ef:udf:mydocs|c:\my extracted files\"

Following example extracts a particular file  ("my docs\my letters\letter1.doc") from the ISO file system 
(and from the second session (let's assume there are three sessions on this disc))

isobuster.exe "/ef:iso:mydocs\my letters\letter1.doc|c:\mydoc\" /s:2

Following example extracts the boot image file from a MS installation disc

isobuster.exe "/ef:boo:Microsoft Corporation.img|c:\image.img"

Following example extracts a particular file  ("VIDEO_TS\\VTS_01_1.VOB") from the IFO file system and extracts it with filename "movie.mpg"

isobuster.exe "/ef:ifo:VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB|c:\my extracted files\movie.mpg" 

Following example extracts all VOB files from the IFO file system 

isobuster.exe "/ef:ifo::*.VOB|c:\my extracted files" 

Following example extracts all VOB files from the files found based on their signature after a scan

isobuster.exe "/ef:sig::*.VOB|c:\my extracted files\" /scan

Extraction Prompts:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.5]
This command is used in combination with extraction commands: /ei: and /ef:
If it is absent, following default values are used: /ep:pbm and /ep:pfe, wich means that the GUI will prompt when there is a read error, so that the user can make a selection, and that the GUI will prompt when a file is about to be overwritten.  /ep: Accepts a comma separated list of types, or can be called several times, each with a different code.



[Type] comes in following flavours:

For error handling, when a read error is encountered:

pbm: Prompt with Best Matching GUI window
ria: Prompt with Retry Ignore Abort GUI window
rsa: Prompt with Retry Select Abort GUI window
oea: No Prompt, On Error: Abort extraction
oeo: No Prompt, On Error: Ommit the sector
oez: No Prompt, On Error: Zero (replace all data with null bytes, in case of raw only the user data is replaced and the EDC/ECC is calculated)
oee: No Prompt, On Error: Error (replace the sector with erroneous data)
 All "No Prompt" options during extraction also cause prompts during file system exploration to be suppressed.
npc: No Prompt on Completion (after completing managed image files /CI)  [Introduced as of IsoBuster 3.4]

For file over-write handling, when the file already exists:

pfe: Prompt with File Over-write GUI window
owr: No Prompt, Over-write the file
now: No Prompt, No Over-write (don't overwrite the file, leave as is and continue to the next file (if appropriate))
ren: No Prompt, auto-Rename the file (e.g. ads (2) or (3) or ...)

For file write handling, when the filename is illegal (reserved) or contains illegal characters:

pif: Prompt on Illegal Filename
rei: No Prompt, auto-Rename Illegal filename (e.g. ads (2) or (3) or ...)
nor: No Prompt, No Rename (don't rename the file, instead, skip it)

For file/drive write handling, various

nfs: No check for available Free Space (suppresses the dialog that warns you if there is not enough free space)  [Introduced as of IsoBuster 5.2]
ncd: No prompt/dialog on Critical Drives (suppresses the dialog that warns you of extraction to a critical drive (for instance \\.\c: or \\.\PhysicalDrive0 - System drive or same as source etc.)  [Introduced as of IsoBuster 5.2]


isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:m /ep:oez /ep:owr
isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:m /ep:oez,owr

Open and Close a drive tray (only valid for optical drives) :

This command opens or closes the tray.  Default it will open the selected drive's tray if closed, or close it if already opened.  This command can be issued up to 9 times on the command line, so that a drive can be issued the same command a couple of times. For instance before and after an operation. 


/oc:[Type][Before or After][Wait]

[Type] is either o or c or missing. O for Open Tray and C for Close Tray and in case absent the tray will open if closed or close if opened.  
[Before or After] is either b or a or missing.  B for before an operation (e.g. before extraction of a file), A for after an operation (e.g. after creation of an image file).  In case absent the command is executed before.
[Wait] is a number between 0 - 9 and stands for the amount of seconds that the application will poll the drive, waiting for ready, after the application issued the Open/Close command.  When no value is provided the application will default to 0 in case of opening the tray, and 2 in case of closing the tray.


isobuster.exe /d:f /oc:c9 /oc:bc9 "/ef:c:\my extracted files\" /oc:oa

The example shows that the tray is closed before the extraction operation.  The command is even issued twice, just to make sure and the time-out is set to 9 seconds each time, so the application will wait (at the most) 18 seconds (or less if the drive signals "ready") before the extraction operation starts.  After the extraction operation the drive tray is opened.

Scan for missing files and folders:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.8.5]
This command immediately starts the process that looks for missing files and folders
This command also automatically suppresses a few dialogs.  
When this parameter is passed, the program won't ask if you want to scan, should the content be empty (no found file-systems) after initial mount of the disc or image and it won't suggest to make an .ibp first either in this case.
/scan is executed on the last session or partition of a disc (or image file) unless /t (track) or /s (session) or /p (partition) are specified. In case partition or track and/or session are set to "all", all partitions or sessions are scanned.  /scan can be combined with file or image extractions as it is executed before any extractions are executed.

[Introduced in IsoBuster 3.9]
As of IsoBuster 3.9, /scan also takes /range or /fromto in account.  When you specify a range with /range or /fromto in combination with this command, any /track /session or /partition setting is ultimately ignored, since the scan only executes over the specified range.

[Introduced in IsoBuster 5.3]
When you pass the extra parameter :nofs /scan will only execute if no file systems could be detected on the intended target




isobuster.exe /d:f /scan "/ef:sig:c:\my extracted files\"
isobuster.exe /d:f /scan:nofs "/ef:sig:c:\my extracted files\"

Export a file list:

See: Use of command line parameters (Export a file list: /tree)

Check if all files and folders are physically readable:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
Checks all files and folders inside the specified file system, to see if there are physical read errors
The file system needs to be specified via the command /fs, possibly in combination with commands /p or /t and/or /s.
If the former is not done, /cfpr will pick the one it deems best.

If one ore more files are found to be (partially) unreadable, this test will set an Error value which can be checked via commands /l and/or /el

After this test, you can for instance use the /tree command in combination with tag command {%ONLYUNREADABLE} to build one or more lists (in case of multiple file systems) containing all affected files and use the error to see whether you need to check the exported lists.




start /wait isobuster.exe /cfpr /noelevation /el /p:all /fs:all "/tree:c:\errors<%PI><%FI>.xml?6"

Time Out:

This command times out an extraction operation started via the command line, in case a read takes more than [Milliseconds] to complete. E.g. on bad media, reads can take a long time sometimes.  The read command will still complete and take whatever time it needs to do so, but after that and if the time-out value has been exceeded, the program will simply stop the operation and it won't start a new read command to the next sector.




isobuster.exe "/ei:c:\my image files\" /et:m /ep:oez /ep:owrn /et:60000

Sector View:

This command immediately opens the sector view window and shows the chosen sector.




isobuster.exe /d:f /sv:2000

Close IsoBuster automatically:

This command closes IsoBuster after the requested (via command line provided) task, for instance after an extraction task (/ei: or /ef:)




isobuster.exe "/ef:boo:Microsoft Corporation.img|c:\my extracted files\" /c

Minimize IsoBuster automatically:

This command minimizes IsoBuster after initialisation, before the requested (via command line provided) task, for instance during an extraction task (/ei: or /ef:)




isobuster.exe "/ef:ifo:VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB|c:\my extracted files\movie.mpg"  /c /m

Do not show the splash screen on startup of the program:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.5.5]
This command suppresses the splash screen that is shown when the program starts.




isobuster.exe "/ef:ifo:VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB|c:\my extracted files\movie.mpg"  /c /m /nosplash

Do not find nor query the drives on startup of the program:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.5.5]
This command suppresses the finding of drives when the program starts.  The command can be used when you are only interested in opening image files and when you need no drive support.  It can potentially speed up program startup, especially when there is a disc mounted in one of the optical drives.


/nodrives  (None of the drives will be listed)  Ideal for just opening of image files.  No elevated rights are needed either, so the UAC will not appear.
/nocd  ([Introduced in IsoBuster 3.1] Optical drives (CD, DVD, BD, HD-DVD) will not be listed, other drives (HD, Flash etc.) will still be found (except when /nohd is also set)).  PS. no elevated rights are needed for optical media.
/nohd  ([Introduced in IsoBuster 3.1] HDDs, Flash drives etc. will not be listed, optical drives will still be found (except when /nocd is also set)).  Elevation is needed for these drives, so if you set /nohd, the program will not restart itself with elevated rights and no UAC will appear.
/noelevation  ([Introduced in IsoBuster 3.1] Explicitly disallows the program to restart itself with elevated rights (prevents the UAC from appearing).  This means that hard drives and USB sticks etc. will not be found, despite settings regarding the finding of such drives, unless you're starting the program elevated already, for instance from a command prompt that was started as administrator or if not started from the command prompt but the UAC has been turned off.


isobuster.exe "/ef:ifo:VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB|c:\my extracted files\movie.mpg"  /c /m /nosplash /nodrives

Log Error:

This command logs a simple error code to a file, in case IsoBuster could detect a problem before the actual (via command line provided) task started. 0
It also shows if extraction was aborted or if a readability test failed. The text file will contain ANSI text.


/l:[destination path and filename]

Errors values:

0       No Error (success).
1       No Tracks / Sessions found
2       Track Index provided but this track is not available
3       Session Index provided but this Session is not available
4       No File-system track found
5       No (or not a matching) File-system found
6       Folder name is already in use as filename
7       Not a matching file or folder found
10xx  Extraction aborted by user
2xxxxxx  /cfpr test, files with errors encountered, the higher the number, the more errors (value between 2.000.001 and 2.999.999 -> 1 to 999999 (or more) errors)

isobuster.exe "/ef:c:\my extracted files" "/l:c:\my extracted files\log.txt"

Log Error-String:

A basic string can be passed along to IsoBuster, to be put in the log file (see Log Error (command /l:)).  Make sure that this string contains the value %%u which is then replaced by the error code (see Log Error).




isobuster.exe "/ef:c:\my extracted files" "/l:c:\my extracted files\log.bat" "/l:txt:ECHO %%u"


[Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]

When you use this command, you tell IsoBuster to also return the error (as described in command Log Error, see above).

For instance in a batch file you can then check the errorlevel:

start /wait isobuster 
echo %errorlevel%

Things to know:
- Use Windows' start / wait to make sure the batch processor waits for the output code
- Start CMD / Command Prompt elevated (Run as administrator)
  Or add command /noelevation so that IsoBuster doesn't restart itself to run elevated.  When you do this you will not have access to Hard Drives and USB sticks however (except when Run as admin).




start /wait isobuster.exe "/ef:c:\my extracted files" "/l:c:\my extracted files\log.bat" "/l:txt:ECHO %%u" /noelevation /el
start /wait isobuster.exe /cfpr /noelevation /el /p:all

Log Progress:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 5.3]

It is possible to create a file that is constantly updated during a process that creates a progress dialog (/scan /ef /ei, ..)
This way an external process can check the file's content and proceed accordingly




A valid path to a file that does or does not exist yet



Default, template "<%NAME>: <%%(F)>%" is used but you can provide your own text with supported tags/tokens.

[Template] supports a sub-set of the /tree tags/tokens. Namely: 

<%NAME>    // The progress dialog caption
<%%>, <%%(F)>    //  Progress percentage
<%BLOCKS>, <%BLOCKS(F)>    //  Progress blocks
<%APP>, <%VERS>, <%USER>, <%OS>, <%BR>, <%TAB> // See  /tree tags/tokens 
{%UTF7}, {%UTF8}, {%ASCII}, {%ANSI}, {%UTF16}, {%UTF16BE}, {%NOBOM} // See  /tree tags/tokens 


The minimum amount of milliseconds that must elapse before the file is updated again (triggered when the progress dialog is updated). Default this value is 1000 (in other words 1 second)


Following example creates the file and the default template and interval are used:

isobuster.exe "/lprogress:C:\logfiles\log.txt"

Following example replaces the default template with just the percentage:

isobuster.exe "/lprogress:C:\logfiles\log.txt|<%%>%"

Following example replaces the default template and changes the interval to two seconds:

isobuster.exe "/lprogress:C:\logfiles\log.txt|<%NAME>: <%%(F)> (<%BLOCKS(F)>)|2000"

Following example changes the interval to three seconds but keeps with the default template:

isobuster.exe "/lprogress:C:\logfiles\log.txt||3000"

Load plugin(s):

[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.8]
This command allows you to load one or more plugins.  Plugins can be used to interpret image files and/or to write image files
The command can be used multiple times on the command line, to be able to load several plugins at once.
Plugins have priority over the embedded functionality, should there be overlap.


/plugin:[path and filename of plugin]


isobuster.exe "c:\my image files\image1.iso" /plugin:c:\my_iso_plugin.dll

Load Scan results:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 4.5]
This command allows you to load results of an older "Find missing files and folders" scan.


/ibr:[path and filename (*.ibr) of scan results]


isobuster.exe "/ibr:c:\files\results.ibr"

Change CD/DVD Speed on bad blocks:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 5.2]

The device's read speed is changed to 2x when a bad block is hit.
As soon as reads start to succeed, the speed is automatically stepped up again.




Level 1 is just after the first read command (usually an X amount of sectors, for instance a read of 16 blocks)
Level 2 is just after the first retry (The same X amount of sectors)
Level 3 is just after every sector-per-sector retry
There must be a read on the selected level (no skipping) and there must follow a retry (except if the Level is 5) for the speed to change
A value of 4 or higher means execution on every level (Level 1 and Level 2 and Level 3)
A value of 5 or higher means execution on every level *and* no retries are required, it is executed whether a read follows or not
A value of 0 means no execution


isobuster.exe /d:f /chsp:1 /delay:5,60000,100 /ei:c:\test.ibp /et:m

Set CD/DVD Speed:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 5.3]

Set the speed to the requested x-speed

Based on drive and media there usually are a number of supported speeds:

- If you set a speed lower than the lowest supported speed, the drive will automatically set to the lowest supported speed
- If you set to a speed higher than the highest supported speed, the drive will automatically set to the highest supported speed
- If you set to an unsupported speed that lies between two supported speeds the drive will set to the lower speed of the two supported speeds

Also good to know:

Changing media or hitting Refresh afterwards will change the speed to the highest supported speed again, unless there is a read error during ReadTOC, then the speed may be set to lowest again.
Always redo setting the preferred speed after hitting the refresh button

Setting a speed with no media inserted in the drive will always fail (drive command fails).  There's no point doing that.




Any supported speed, for instance 10 for 10x, 24 for 24x etc.
L for lowest supported speed
H for highest supported speed


isobuster.exe /d:e /setsp:L
isobuster.exe /d:e /setsp:H
isobuster.exe /d:e /setsp:1
isobuster.exe /d:e /setsp:2
isobuster.exe /d:e /setsp:24

Insert a pause / delay after every failed read:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 5.2]

IsoBuster waits a bit after a failed read, before it starts reading again.  Some drives seem to benefit from it.  For more information, also see the Delays option


/delay:[Level],[Milliseconds],[Interval (Optional)]


Same as for /chsp:


The pause in milliseconds.  For instance 10000 is 10 seconds.

[Interval] (Optional value)

The interval implies a read-command counter.
Once the counter reaches the Interval value, the delay is executed and the counter is reset to 0
The counter increments on every failed read (no matter the amount of blocks requested by the read command)
The counter decrements on every good read as well
An Interval value of 0 means the delay is executed on every failed read (the default, if Interval is not provided)

For instance, assume an Interval value of 100 (0x64):
Assume level 1 and level 2 reads are reads of 16 blocks each (Level 3 is always per block) :
Assume Level is set to 4 and assume there is one level 2 retry, and one level 3 retry, then an Interval value of 100 will trigger after 800 bad blocks
Assume Level is set to 1 and assume there is at least one level 2 retry or at least one level 3 retry, then an Interval value of 100 will trigger after 1600 bad blocks
Assume Level is set to 5 and assume there are no retries, then an Interval value of 100 will trigger after 1600 bad blocks (even if no further reads follow)
Assume Level is set to 4 (or higher) and assume there is one level 2 retry, and two level 3 retries, then an Intervak value of 100 will trigger after 80 bad blocks


isobuster.exe /d:f /chsp:1 /delay:5,60000,100 /ei:c:\test.ibp /et:m

Also FYI:  Options / Communication / Delays

Execute command line parameters while IsoBuster is already running:

[Introduced in IsoBuster 5.2]

In the breadcrumb control, type @cmdl:[Command Line Parameters]

This way you can start a process using the command line parameters while IsoBuster is already running, and you can complete one after the other etc.

More information: Commands via the breadcrumb control


@cmdl:/d:0 /ei:\\.\PhysicalDrive2|\\.\PhysicalDrive3 /et:u /ep:ncd,nfs